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Showing posts from August, 2023

Russia-Ukraine War : Impact on Bangladesh

                          Photo : Fozpedia Russia-Ukraine War : Impact on Bangladesh   ( লেখা শেষ হলে আপলোড দিমু, এখন আপলোড দিলে পোলাপান কপি মারবে 😄 )  আমি অনেক চালাক আছি, তাই না? 😎

মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনাঋদ্ধ বাংলাদেশ গঠনে আমাদের ব‍্যর্থতা কোথায়

  file photo: fozpedia মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনাঋদ্ধ বাংলাদেশ গঠনে আমাদের ব‍্যর্থতা কোথায়   (অতিসত্বর পোস্ট করা হবে)


  POWER VS AUTHORITY  Certainly, here's a rephrased version of the paragraph with preserved meaning: "Here are more specific differences between power and authority: 1. Origin of Control:    - Power can be acquired through various methods like physical strength, wealth, expertise, or manipulation.    - Authority is generally bestowed by a formal system, organization, or structure, often due to one's position, role, or title. 2. Legitimacy:    - Power might not always hold legitimacy, as it can be gained through unofficial or unethical means.    - Authority is inherently legitimate, granted within established frameworks and acknowledged by others. 3. Exercise of Control :    - Power can be exerted through force, fear, persuasion, or manipulation.    - Authority is practiced through commands, decisions, and directives that are usually accepted and followed. 4. Duration:    - Power can be fleeting and momentary, based on immediate circumstances.    - Authority tends t